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“He’s hardened,” observed the Purple Emperor, wagging his head.face shield smile“You might tell me the kind of things they say, Miss Belsize!”dirt bike helmet with face shield“Chalks!” said I.His handpicked board in fact doted on him. So they decided to give him another huge grant in August 2001, when the stock price was just under $18. The problem was that he worried about his image, especially after the Fortune article. He did not want to accept the new grant unless the board canceled his old options at the same time. But to do so would have adverse accounting implications, because it would be effectively repricing the old options. That would require taking a charge against current earnings. The only way to avoid this “variable accounting” problem was to cancel his old options at least six months after his new options were granted. In addition, Jobs started haggling with the board over how quickly the new options would vest.atlas wipe“She sat beside you!”